
Perfect Purse for your personality

Perfect Purse for your personality
Some of us underestimate the power of the purse. I do not mean this in the economic or the financial sense. What I meant to say is that most of us women consider the purse as something to hold whatever items we need to carry with us whenever we go out.

But the thing is, beyond being a container for our lipstick, our car keys, wallet, and all those things we could not possibly survive a trip outside our houses without, a purse is a fashion accessory, and a powerful one at that too. A purse underscores your look and highlights the curves of the body. We may not realize it, but whoever looks at us most likely gets his or her eyes drawn first to the purse we are carrying. Therefore, a purse can build your look up or demolish it entirely.

Thankfully, finding the perfect purse that will flatter the body is not as hard as we thought it is. The key to finding the perfect purse is proportion: you should always match your purse with the size and shape of your body. The general rule is that large bags go with large bodies, while small bags go with small bodies.

If you are short and slim in build, you should pick a bag that is small and holds close to the body. Never get a big purse because it will drown you and make you appear lost beside it.

If you are the type that is tall and thin, a medium-sized bag will work best for you. In choosing a shoulder bag, though, pick something that fits nice and close under your arm and against your waist. Bags like that will create the illusion of curves on your lean body and will draw the eyes to your face.